light RPGs

Tales from the Loop

Opowieści z Pętli (Tales from the Loop - Amazon Prime TV) official trailer and unofficial gameplay wersja PL - Baniak GM-ing for Majewski, Kołaczkowska, Pakosińska O co chodzi w RPG/TfTL/tworzenie postaci (1. godzina) początek gry - SPOILER ALERT for core rulebook mysery Summerbreak... (godziny 2-4)

Basic rules for Tales from the Loop

$5 starter set Free Year Zero Engine EN Free Year Zero Engine PL

Savage Worlds


Free rules

SWATD drivethrurRPG SWATD - Peg inc - may not work

Single-page RPGs

Cthulhu Dark - 4 pages - just rules no Adventure Lasers and Feelings Honey Heist

Last updated